Older Adult at Computer

Video Tutorials to Help Older Adults Apply for Benefits  

Video tutorials to help older adults apply for some of the most common benefits like Medicare, HEAP, EPIC, STAR tax rebates
Video Tutorials to Help Older Adults Apply for Benefits 
Tutorial Videos

Over the past several months, NYSOFA has worked with partners to produce a series of video tutorials to help older adults apply for some of the most common benefits like Medicare, HEAP, EPIC, STAR tax rebates, SNAP food assistance, and more. 

Given that the pandemic closed many offices which provided one-one-one assistance applying for benefits, we wanted to make it as easy as possible for anyone to get the help they needed and minimize the risk of COVID-19 by offering a virtual means of assistance. 

Working with partners, NYSOFA developed a series of short tutorials that walk individuals through the applications step-by-step to help people better understand the full meaning of questions being asked, any considerations they should make in answering them accurately, what documentation is necessary, and how to complete each application in its entirety so that the approval process can be as quick and easy as possible. 

Please share these tutorials regularly with your community as supplemental information for people needing assistance.  

To date, we have tutorials on the following benefits: 

NEW! Enhanced Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) 

Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)  

Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (EPIC)  

Senior Citizen Homeowners Exemption (SCHE)  

NY School Tax Relief (STAR) Program  

Medicare Part-B  

Medicare Savings Program (MSP)  

Weatherization Assistance Program 

EmPower NY home energy improvements 

Application for Extra Help with Medicare Prescription Drugs including costs like premiums, deductibles, and coinsurance.  

Find all of these tutorials and more on NYSOFA's YouTube page!