Social Model Adult Day Services Program


Social adult day services programs provide care a supervised group setting within the community to older adults who are frail or have disabilities. Services include socialization activities, supervision and monitoring, and nutrition. Programs also provide personal care that includes hands on assistance with mobility, eating, and toileting (including care of incontinence). All services are based on an individual care plan and assessment of the participant. Social adult day services provide a break to caregivers and helps peace of mind, especially for working caregivers.


Individuals must require hands on assistance or supervision in activities of daily living (mobility, transfers, toileting and/or eating). This can be due to a physical disability such as a stroke or frailty, as well as cognitive impairments like Alzheimer's disease or other dementias.


Costs vary from program to program. Financial aid may be available through your local office for aging. Medicaid participants that meet eligibility criteria may access social adult day services through managed long-term care plans.


For help and to apply, call NY Connects at 1-800-342-9871.