In order to fulfill the New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA) monitoring responsibilities, data must be collected on local program activities. Data is used for a wide range of purposes including support for advocacy, funding at the state and federal level, accountability to federal and state control agencies and accountability to the legislature. Data is also useful for grants management activities at the state and Area Agency on Aging (AAA) level. It is essential that all data reported is accurate and reliable.
To support New York Aging Network data collection and reporting efforts, NYSOFA has several reporting related applications. Please see below for more information.
Access to Applications
NYSOFA requires secure access to these reporting applications. NYSOFA has transitioned from the use of a NYSOFA user ID to the use of an NY.gov user ID. All other applications require an NY.gov user ID for access.
Requests for a new NY.gov user ID are made through the https://my.ny.gov site. The Create an Account link can be found beneath the Sign In button. Go directly to the desired reporting application by way of that application’s link.
Application Name | Link to Application | Data Entry Form Name | Access Issue Contacts |
Office for the Aging AIP | https://aip.aging.ny.gov | Annual Update to the Four Year Plan and Budget Modifications | [email protected] |
Office for the Aging CAARS | https://caars.aging.ny.gov | CAARS Quarterly Report | [email protected] |
Office for the Aging Verification | https://verification.aging.ny.gov | Verification | [email protected] |
Office for the Aging Meal Sites | https://mealsites.aging.ny.gov | Meal Sites Roster | [email protected]v |
Office for the Aging NYConnects | https://nyconnects.aging.ny.gov | NY Connects Qualitative Report | [email protected] |
Office for the Aging SADS | https://sads.aging.ny.gov | SADS Quarterly Report | [email protected] |
Office for the Aging Respite | https://respite.aging.ny.gov | Respite Quarterly Report | [email protected] |
NYSOFA Data Exchange
This site is used to securely transmit files between NYSOFA and AAAs. If further assistance is needed, please contact your ASR.
Please visit https://DataX.aging.ny.gov. Use NYSOFA-specific user ID; site does not use NY.gov user ID.
Report Viewer
The OFA SAP Business Objects Report Viewer is the application used for generating the reporting data from a variety of data sources (e.g., CAARS Quarterly, 4YP or AI, Data Verifications, NYConnects, SADS/Respite). The Report Viewer allows authorized users to select a report, select their county & time period, and run the report. These reports can be printed or exported to a PDF file, WORD, or Excel format.
The Report Viewer is accessible via https://my.ny.gov/ by selecting OFA SAP Business Objects, or directly by way of https://bilaunchpad.aging.ny.gov/BOE/BI.