Local Offices

Local offices offer help to older New Yorkers
Contact your local Area Agency on Aging to connect with programs and services for older adults and those who care for them.

There is a local office for the aging in every county in New York State (New York City has one office that covers all 5 boroughs). The dedicated people who work at your local office for the aging have the training, experience and local knowledge to help you access a variety of services and benefits, or can direct you to the appropriate agency or organization for help.

How They Can Help
Applying for and Receiving Benefits

Such as heating assistance and help purchasing food.

Guidance and Advice

Understanding your health insurance (including Medicare and Medicaid) and gaining access to legal services and supports for planning in advance (health care proxy, wills, estate planning).

Connect You to Key Services

They can link you to congregate and home-delivered meals, nutrition counseling, employment and volunteer opportunities, senior centers, transportation, in-home supports as well as support to family, friends, and neighbors who may be providing assistance to older adults and much more.