Get Assistance

Group of older people in park w personal care assistant

Connect with Help

Connect with programs and services in your community that will provide you with the help you need.
Providing Help and Assistance to Older New Yorkers and their Loved Ones

The New York State Office for the Aging's (NYSOFA's) home and community-based programs provide older persons access to a well-planned, coordinated package of in-home and other supportive services designed to support and supplement informal care. NYSOFA's overall goal is to improve access to, and availability of, appropriate and cost-effective non-medical support services for older individuals to maximize their ability to age in their community and avoid higher levels of care and publicly financed care.

Get Assistance

Your trusted place to go for free, unbiased information about long term services and supports in New York for people of all ages or with any type of disability.

Learn to Apply for Benefits
NYSOFA has developed a series of how-to videos to walk you through filling out applications for various benefit programs.
Local Offices
Find your Community's Area Agency on Aging
Connect With Resources

Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) were established by the federal Older Americans Act to help Americans aged 60 and older. Local AAAs are the gateway to home and community-based services that help older New Yorkers age in place.

Find Support

To help older New Yorkers maintain their health and independence, AAAs provide important services such as home delivered meals, congregate meals, nutrition counseling, health insurance counseling, caregiver support services, and much more.

Receive Unbiased Information

You can feel confident the advice you receive from your local AAA is objective and serves your needs. Whether you are receiving information about a health insurance plan, housing options, or other services, the goal of the AAA is to provide you with the best fit, not sell you a product.

Get Assistance
Check your eligibility for a range of benefits and apply for food assistance at