Advocacy and Programs for Older New Yorkers
It is the mission of the New York State Office for the Aging to help all older New Yorkers to be as independent as possible for as long as possible, with an emphasis on hard-to-serve and diverse populations. NYSOFA fulfills this mission through advocacy, development, and delivery of person-centered, consumer-oriented, and cost-effective policies, programs, and services that support and empower older adults and their families, in partnership with a network of public and private state and community organizations.
-NYSOFA Mission Statement
The New York State Office for the Aging's (NYSOFA's) home and community-based programs provide older adults with access to a well-planned, coordinated package of in-home and other supportive services designed to support and supplement informal care. NYSOFA's overall goal is to improve access to, and availability of, appropriate and cost-effective non-medical support services for older individuals to maximize their ability to age in their community and avoid higher levels of care and publicly financed care. NYSOFA achieves this through our network of 59 area agencies on aging. This network provides the following core services in coordination with local partners:
- Home delivered meals (HDM)
- Congregate meals
- Nutrition counseling and education
- Senior center programming
- Health promotion and wellness
- Evidence Based Interventions (EBIs)
- Volunteer opportunities
- Respite and caregiver supports
- Legal Services
- Home modifications, repairs
- Elder abuse prevention and mitigation
- NY Connects
- Health Insurance Information, Counseling and Assistance Program (HIICAP)
- Personal Care Level I and II
- Case management
- Ancillary services, such as Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) and assistive devices
- Social adult day services
- Transportation to needed medical appointments, community services and activities
- Long Term Care Ombudsman Program
The New York State Office for the Aging's goal is to help older New Yorkers be as independent as possible for as long as possible in their homes and communities of choice.
Each of New York State's 59 area agencies on aging strive to deliver a suite of services tailored to the older adults and those who care for them, providing a just-right level of support to empower them to age successfully in their community of choice.
New York State case managers are the most highly trained professionals in the nation. All AAA case managers are required to complete a 20 hour case management certification course, and pass an exam proving their competency in core service areas.