A plan to support opportunities for older adults and people of all ages. Learn more at https://www.ny.gov/mpa.
A Caregivers Guide
Watch Our Video and Find Resources to Help Caregivers
NYSOFA has developed this new Caregiver’s Guide video to help individuals self-identify as caregivers and learn more about resources that can help support them in this demanding role.

NYSOFA Director Greg Olsen, Assemblyman Billy Jones, NYSOFA Chief of Staff John Cochran at the 2023 Great New York State Fair.
NYSOFA Director Greg Olsen presented at an AARP New York community roundtable in Albany.
NYSOFA’s NORC team joins Bay Ridge Center to celebrate the opening of its new older adult center.
NYSOFA Registered Dietitian Wendy Beckman hosts NYSOFA’s monthly cooking demo on YouTube, reaching over 1 million viewers in 2023.
NYSOFA Director Greg Olsen guests on WAMC’s Vox Pop call-in program.
HIICAP coordinators gather for training to help older adults navigate health insurance options.
NYSOFA Participates in Senator Cordelle Cleare's Annual Senior Day Event.
NYSOFA Director Greg Olsen tours the Health Innovations Incubator & Technology Center in Watervliet.
NYSOFA participates in the annual New York State Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Volunteer Fair.
Director Greg Olsen speaks at annual Aging Concerns Unite Us conference.